Friday, September 19, 2014

The Fastest Belly Busting Secret Revealed

Belly fat is notorious for ruining your favorite outfit. However, that is not the only reason you should be worried about trimming an expanding waistline. There are two types of fat in the body. The first is visceral fat while the second is subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat sits nestled deep among your organs and if it increases beyond the healthy limit you are in for serious health trouble. It is the increase in visceral fat that accounts for a burgeoning belly.The title reads as "The fastest belly busting secret revealed". It might sound like we are here to give you that quick fix which will help you melt the fat and flab overnight, but it is not true. We are here to give you the tried and tested methods to get rid of belly fat in the shortest possible time and that might possibly become your belly busting secret. So, without wasting time any further, let's quickly list the different ways in which you can tackle a fat belly.1. Carry a bottle of water with you everywhere you go. Take small, repeated sips. It fills your stomach and silences the cravings at least temporarily. Drink a whole glass of water before a meal.2. Keep your plate colorful with healthy food choices. Choose colored vegetables and fruits such as carrots, tomatoes, spinach and the likes. They are water-rich, nutrient-dense and full of fiber.3. You might drool over fast food, but you have to strike it off as doing so is indeed a belly busting secret. Fast foods such as cheese burgers, fried chicken and chips are loaded with calories. You can reduce the amount of fast food you eat or cut it out completely.

4. Trying to trim a fat belly requires one to do a variety of weight-bearing and non-weight bearing exercises in moderation. In addition to helping you burn fat, it promotes good health and a lifetime of fitness.5. Spot reduction is deceptive because it is impossible to lose stomach fat by only working the abdominal muscles. When working out, do not isolate muscles; choose a comprehensive workout that engages them together.6. Starving seems like the easiest way to create the much-needed calorie deficit. We advise against starving yourself because it disturbs metabolism and leads to health problems. Do not make the mistake of skipping breakfast.7. In addition to not starving yourself, you should also not deprive yourself. Instead of cutting out food groups completely it is a better option to eat them in moderation or reduced amounts.8. Eat 5-6 smaller meals per day. It keeps the hunger pangs at bay and the sugar levels spiked.9. Once you've managed to tone your midriff, don't give up your diet or exercise routine. Continue the same eating and exercise routine to sustain the results.We forgot to mention a point which should have actually been the first point on our list. And that is to determine your weight loss goals. It will help you adopt a more disciplined approach to losing weight in general and battling a fat belly in particular.

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